Acupuncture: A Natural Hay Fever Relief Alternative

NasalGuard-Allergy-Blocking-Gel-Safe-For-Moms-Pregnant-Nursing-Drug-Free-OThere is no doubt that hay fever is one of the most common and irritating allergies people suffer from on a daily basis. Hay fever is a seasonal allergy caused by allergens like dust, mold, and pollen. This is why when it’s high season for these allergens; people have no escape from them. All people can do is treat it with as much care as possible.

There are various ways to treat hay fever and its symptoms. There are over-the-counter drugs such as antihistamines and decongestants to easily relieve a runny nose and itchy watery eyes. There are seasonal allergy remedies and herbs that can be ingested to help the body fight these allergens. Also, there are natural allergy treatments for people who want non-pharmaceutical and food-related alternatives.

One treatment that has shown positive results for hay fever relief is actually acupuncture. In fact, a study made by Dr. Benno Brinkhaus showed that hay fever sufferers who underwent acupuncture sessions experienced improvements in symptoms compared to those who did not receive the treatment. So what really is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting very thin needles through the skin to stimulate strategic points of the body. It is used in easing various kinds of pain such as migraines, nausea, backaches, and effects of chemotherapy. How acupuncture exactly treats hay fever is something that studies cannot verify yet, but scientists believe that it is because it helps stimulate the body’s inflammatory immune system. They believe that when needles are inserted in the acupuncture points of the body, the body releases substances that help fight inflammations related to hay fever.

Though it is not yet a universally known treatment for seasonal allergies, acupuncture has shown to have good results in improving hay fever symptoms. For those who are not satisfied with allergy medication, whether for its side effects or costs, they can give acupuncture a shot.

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Hay Fever Relief and How to Prevent Symptoms Altogether

Everywhere we go, we are vulnerable to different agents that can cause nasal congestion and allergies. Once we catch these allergies, our daily routine is affected. It can interfere with how we perform the tasks that we are supposed to do. One of the very common types of allergy is allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever allergy is an inflammation in the nose, which has been rampant among us for centuries. This ailment is seasonal — it most commonly occurs during spring season. But that is not always the case. This ailment can also
Hay Fever Reliefoccur anytime of the year.
What causes hay fever allergy? Hay fever is caused by pollen from trees, plants, grass and weeds. When these airborne particles are inhaled, some people’s immune systems treat it as a threat and set off a reaction to defend the body from the allergens. The discomfort brought by the inflammation of the nasal lining makes us want to relieve it immediately. However, this should not be a worry because there are already a lot of over the counter products for hay fever relief.

But due to the fact that there are uncontrollable agents that can trigger hay fever, we do not always know when it will hit us. That is why it is better to stick by the saying, “Prevention is better than cure”. As much as possible, it is better to prevent the illness rather than spending too much for nasal congestion treatment. Aside from the treatment cost, sometimes these medicines have side effects that are detrimental to our health and many of them do not eliminate the causes but only mask the symptoms.

What should we do to prevent nasal allergy? The most important thing to do is to identify what triggers the allergy. Then, we could eliminate it if possible or keep away from it. However, this will not be very practical. One of the best solutions is to rely on safe and effective products that, when used regularly, can protect us from the allergens that trigger allergic rhinitis. This option can save us from the hassle of playing hide-and-seek with these allergens.

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