Four Ways for Nasal Congestion Relief

Nasal congestion can range from mild, bothersome, then to the point that it delays a day’s usual work. Here are four simple ways to treat symptoms of allergy and to relieve nasal congestion.

Identify and avoid allergens. Not everyone who has allergies is hypersensitive to everything. Know what triggers allergic symptoms. Some are allergic to particular types of food, commonly seafood, eggs, chicken, even milk. Allergies to pollen are also frequently encountered. There is also such a thing as cold-induced urticaria, wherein allergic symptoms show up in lower temperatures. It is important to know the extent of your symptoms, because some of these allergens can have life-threatening consequences and may lead to anaphylaxis.

Make adjustments. Close the windows when it’s high-time for allergies. Shower in the morning and when the day ends to wash off any pollen you might have caught. Switch your diet accordingly. Clean your place regularly to avoid dust piling up.

Go for natural allergy relief. There are a lot of essential oils available to drive bugs away. Citronella, lemongrass, and eucalyptus are just a few of them. Turmeric has been proven to treat symptoms of colds. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties which help alleviate allergic symptoms. Explore different natural remedies for nasal congestion.

Consult a doctor and get medications. This is both to prevent any serious adverse event and for intractable sinus congestion relief. Not all medications are perfect for one individual. Consulting a doctor regularly will help you keep track of the symptoms.

Nasal congestion is one of the most common symptoms of allergy and hypersensitivity. Though symptoms may have a common presentation, not everyone is allergic to the same thing. Identifying the cause is the first step. Treatment can vary. As long as you observe your symptoms and explore different but safe and effective treatment, you are good to go.

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Pollen Forecast for Better Hay Fever Relief

One of the most common airborne allergens is the pollen. There are different kinds of pollens released into the air throughout the whole year. Therefore, even when it’s not hay fever season, there is still a possibility for people who are prone to having allergies to experience it for 12 months.

Pollen are consistent. Their count solely depends on the months when trees, weeds, and grasses fully bloom. If you want to stay ahead of your allergy and battle against it using the most natural allergy relief possible, keep yourself updated of pollen counts.

When is the pollen count peak?

Pollen forecast is made by using weather data, examining biological factors, and noting geographical location. Then, it is verified through cross-reference. The forecast is designed to help those who suffer from hay fever.

Generally, pollen count is at the highest during springtime, between March to August. However, there is also a big chance for an increase of pollen number starting in January and ending in November. Since there’s no reliable source of a yearly pollen forecast, you can watch the news on television or go on frequent visits to pollen count monitoring networks online. Normal pollen forecast gives you up to 5 days ahead worth of news to allow you some time to prepare a nasal congestion treatment.

What are the different kinds of pollen?

Pollen season can be separated into three different sections. If you’re inclined to be more allergic to one kind of pollen, then it’s better for you to take note of the following:

  • Tree pollen– This includes cypress, poplar, hickory, ash, birch, pine, elm, etc. It usually lasts from the end of March to the middle of May.

  • Grass pollen– This includes blue, rye, and timothy (for places with cold climate) and Bermuda grass (for places with warmer climate). It usually lasts from the middle of May to July.

  • Weed pollen– This includes sorrel, fat hen, nettle, mugwort, and ragweed. It usually lasts from the end of June to September.

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We have been featured on popular blogs!

Our team is excited to share that NasalGuard Allergy Blocking gel has been featured on some popular blogs geared towards insightful moms and cat lovers. There have been many stellar reviews of our drug-free topical gel by genuine users over the years but these bloggers really highlight the best benefits of the product.

Cat Wisdom 101 really knows all things cat. She knows the struggle and sacrifice that comes with cat allergies firsthand. Her honest experience and observations are captured well, The tubes are small and will fit in the smallest pocket. The one-use sachets are even tinier, handy to take anywhere. But here’s the rub: it won’t work, if you don’t use it. Like sunscreen to work, you have to reapply it if it gets washed off. Like most people, I’m very busy and using NasalGuard is a commitment like brushing your teeth, taking your vitamins and any other healthcare regime.  She offers a clever tip to fellow forgetful pet-lovers: keep sachets or tubes in multiple locations so it’s convenient to reapply.

Colorado Mountain Mom and Dancing Hotdogs both raved about how NasalGuard is FDA registered and loved that our preventative gel is safe for the whole family: children, expecting & nursing moms and seniors.

Take a more in-depth look at their candid experiences with NasalGuard here…

NasalGuard feature on Cat Wisdom 101

NasalGuard feature on Cat Wisdom 101


NasalGuard feature on Colorado Mountain Mom

NasalGuard feature on Colorado Mountain Mom


NasalGuard feature on Dancing Hotdogs

NasalGuard feature on Dancing Hotdogs


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Natural Allergy Treatments for Hay Fever

Hay fever is an itchy and uncomfortable seasonal allergy that plagues 14 million Americans every year. It mainly involves the inflammation of the mucous membranes due to an allergic reaction to dust, mold or pollen. Since these allergens are always present in our sNasalGuard-Allergy-Blocking-Gel-Safe-For-Moms-Pregnant-Nursing-Drug-Free-Osurroundings, especially during spring and summer, people who suffer from hay fever always get irritated by its symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes. The quickest solution for this is to reach for some antihistamines or decongestants. However, there are a lot of pocket-friendly and natural allergy relief alternatives out there that are just as effective as pharmaceuticals.

Minimize Exposure to Allergens

The best way to avoid hay fever is by being proactive. Before even experiencing its symptoms, you should already take preventive measures to minimize the allergens around you. This includes cleaning the house, keeping your windows closed, avoiding putting fresh flowers at home, and going near pets. You can also wear a mask whenever you go outdoors, especially during the morning when pollen count is at its highest.

Avoid Alcohol and Cigarette Smoke

You may notice that when you drink alcohol, you sometimes feel the symptoms you get from hay fever. This is because alcohol contains histamine, the allergen that causes hay fever. Cigarette smoke also exacerbates the symptoms because it can irritate your mucous membrane.

Take Natural Remedies

You can make your own nasal spray with just salt, water, and a nasal sprayer. Inhaling steam is also a great nasal congesting relief for kids. You can also use natural remedies such as honey, hot peppers, and chamomile tea to ease hay fever symptoms.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Keeping your body healthy by eating a lot of fruits and vegetables has proven to be an effective fight against hay fever. Studies say that food containing omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, vitamin C and D, and carotenoids are best for hay fever relief.

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Acupuncture: A Natural Hay Fever Relief Alternative

NasalGuard-Allergy-Blocking-Gel-Safe-For-Moms-Pregnant-Nursing-Drug-Free-OThere is no doubt that hay fever is one of the most common and irritating allergies people suffer from on a daily basis. Hay fever is a seasonal allergy caused by allergens like dust, mold, and pollen. This is why when it’s high season for these allergens; people have no escape from them. All people can do is treat it with as much care as possible.

There are various ways to treat hay fever and its symptoms. There are over-the-counter drugs such as antihistamines and decongestants to easily relieve a runny nose and itchy watery eyes. There are seasonal allergy remedies and herbs that can be ingested to help the body fight these allergens. Also, there are natural allergy treatments for people who want non-pharmaceutical and food-related alternatives.

One treatment that has shown positive results for hay fever relief is actually acupuncture. In fact, a study made by Dr. Benno Brinkhaus showed that hay fever sufferers who underwent acupuncture sessions experienced improvements in symptoms compared to those who did not receive the treatment. So what really is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting very thin needles through the skin to stimulate strategic points of the body. It is used in easing various kinds of pain such as migraines, nausea, backaches, and effects of chemotherapy. How acupuncture exactly treats hay fever is something that studies cannot verify yet, but scientists believe that it is because it helps stimulate the body’s inflammatory immune system. They believe that when needles are inserted in the acupuncture points of the body, the body releases substances that help fight inflammations related to hay fever.

Though it is not yet a universally known treatment for seasonal allergies, acupuncture has shown to have good results in improving hay fever symptoms. For those who are not satisfied with allergy medication, whether for its side effects or costs, they can give acupuncture a shot.

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Hay Fever Relief and How to Prevent Symptoms Altogether

Everywhere we go, we are vulnerable to different agents that can cause nasal congestion and allergies. Once we catch these allergies, our daily routine is affected. It can interfere with how we perform the tasks that we are supposed to do. One of the very common types of allergy is allergic rhinitis.

Allergic rhinitis or hay fever allergy is an inflammation in the nose, which has been rampant among us for centuries. This ailment is seasonal — it most commonly occurs during spring season. But that is not always the case. This ailment can also
Hay Fever Reliefoccur anytime of the year.
What causes hay fever allergy? Hay fever is caused by pollen from trees, plants, grass and weeds. When these airborne particles are inhaled, some people’s immune systems treat it as a threat and set off a reaction to defend the body from the allergens. The discomfort brought by the inflammation of the nasal lining makes us want to relieve it immediately. However, this should not be a worry because there are already a lot of over the counter products for hay fever relief.

But due to the fact that there are uncontrollable agents that can trigger hay fever, we do not always know when it will hit us. That is why it is better to stick by the saying, “Prevention is better than cure”. As much as possible, it is better to prevent the illness rather than spending too much for nasal congestion treatment. Aside from the treatment cost, sometimes these medicines have side effects that are detrimental to our health and many of them do not eliminate the causes but only mask the symptoms.

What should we do to prevent nasal allergy? The most important thing to do is to identify what triggers the allergy. Then, we could eliminate it if possible or keep away from it. However, this will not be very practical. One of the best solutions is to rely on safe and effective products that, when used regularly, can protect us from the allergens that trigger allergic rhinitis. This option can save us from the hassle of playing hide-and-seek with these allergens.

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The Causes and Treatments of Nasal Congestion

WheNasal Congestionther it be in adults or children, no one likes to experience the inconvenience and suffering brought on by nasal congestion. The inflamed and stuffy feeling is often too much to bear and can eventually hinder our daily activities. To avoid such burden, is it helpful to first know what causes nasal congestion.

There are misconceptions of what causes this condition. Many would think that it is caused by too much mucus in the nasal passage. However, nasal congestion, otherwise known as stuffy nose, is caused by the inflammation and swelling of the blood vessels in the sinuses. What causes the inflammation? There are a lot of agents that can trigger the inflammation. Some of these agents only cause congestion for a span of one week while others can lead to chronic congestion. Minor illnesses such as cold, flu, and sinus infection are the common causes of short term nasal congestion. If congestion lasts longer than one week, it often indicates an underlying health issue. In cases like these, medical attention should be sought immediately.

The following are the most common causes of chronic congestion: hay fever allergies, chemical exposure, airborne allergens like pollen, environmental irritants like dust and fumes, chronic sinusitis and tumors. As much as it is important to know what causes nasal congestion, when and how often it hits a person should also be considered. If you are experiencing congestion accompanied by sneezing and watery and itchy eyes during certain times of the year, then you may have seasonal allergies.

How must nasal congestion be treated? There are a lot of home remedies to treat nasal congestion. But sometimes, these are not enough to relieve congestion. As mentioned earlier, medical attention should be sought immediately to determine its cause. This is important so that an appropriate treatment plan can be prescribed by the doctor.

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How to Prevent Allergies When at Work

Allergies can be triggered by different particles— dust, pollen, cat fur, and many more. These particles can be found anywhere and can sometimes catch a person off guard. The workplace is not an exception from the places where allergy-causing specks lurk.

When you have an allergy at work it is not only inconvenient but it can make it hard to focus and hamper your productivity. However, it is not entirely an unsolvable problem when you know preventative ways to keep allergies at bay. There are simple tips that can ease your worries about an unexpected flare-up of allergy symptoms.

Clean up Your Own Space

Do not trust the office’s cleaning team to do the deepest clean-up of your workspace. Sure, they will remove the visible dirt, stains, and trash; however, it is unlikely that they will carefully check whether there is still minute dust in the corners of your desk. You can try wiping your desk using a disinfecting wet wipe tissue or rag to get rid of those pesky allergens. This will not take more than 5 minutes of your time each day.

Be Wary of the Season

You cannot call in sick from work to avoid every spring day just because you are scared of all the pollen freely floating in the air. You have to feel comfortable, breathing easy even in this allergy season.

Check the forecast for pollen count before going out. Always wear a mask once outside. It is also suggested that you keep wearing it inside the office as some of your coworkers may have brought some particles with them.

Prepare a Back-up Plan

Do not trust everything to chance. You must have a natural allergy medicine that you can easily take with you to work. In case your allergy is suddenly triggered, you are at least prepared.

Choose a natural nasal congestion treatment as other drugs often come with side effects. Those side-effects might include drowsiness, which can hinder us from working properly.

With proper planning you can protect yourself from spring time allergies and not only make it successfully through the work day but also feel well enough to enjoy the season the rest of the day and weekend.

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5 Tips to Reduce Allergy-Inducing Particles Indoors

Allergy ReliefThere’s no safe place for a person with allergies. Even your home, which should be your refuge, does not totally offer a dust-free environment. Dust comes from different sources— your carpet’s fibers, particles that are blown from the outdoors, your furniture, and even your dead skin. There’s no running away from it. However, there are several practices you can do to lessen the allergen count inside your home.

Close Windows

The most basic preventive measure against sinus congestion is closing the windows. This reduces the chance of outdoor particles coming inside the house. You can take a step further by putting curtains in your windows. Curtains can be used to screen the dust from entering.

Maintain Low Humidity

Use a dehumidifier to keep the relative humidity level inside your house to less than 50%. This is especially important as dust multiplies faster in damp areas.

Do not Keep Pets

Taking nasal congestion treatment will not be enough if there is a pet inside the house. Pets are not ideal for people with allergies, especially dogs or cats and others with fur. If you like to keep one for yourself, it is best if you make them a place to stay outside the house. However, if you do want to keep a pet indoors, or if you would like to visit a friend whose cat, dog or other animal usually triggers your sneezing then simply wear protection by applying NasalGuard Allergy Blocking Gel outside your nostrils before your visit.

Clean Your Carpet and Bedding

One of the best remedies for nasal congestion is a clean environment. Be sure to vacuum your carpet properly and regularly. However, it’s better if you remove the carpet all together as it is one of the main sources of dust. Also make sure that you are using clean bedding. As it is not advisable for an allergic person to do the cleaning, it is preferable if you leave this task to another.

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Things to Check When Using Allergy-Blocking Gel for Kids

There some fine products that you can use if you happen to have allergies. There are allergy-blocking gels that help avoid the usage of medicine or drugs, which can cause serious side effectsNasalGuard-Allergy-Blocking-Gel-Safe-Great-For-Kids-Breathe-Easy-Drug-Free-O. Take note that these products act as a filter that avoids allergic particles from passing through the nose, and has components that activate when being inhaled. These are also considered as kids nasal congestion relief products. To use them, one must follow some safety measures to ensure optimum benefits.

These tips are very simple, and all you need is to follow it. Following them, you will surely have a seasonal allergy treatment.

Check the Amount

What you need in order to properly start is to place a single drop of seasonal allergy relief gel. You don’t need to put too much in order for the product to work well because its components are concentrated. After that, simply spread it on your thumb and index finger. This must be done so you can save money, and to avoid irritation. If you’re using the gel for a child, reconsider the amount you use well.


When applying it, the most advisable thing for you to do is to place it on your upper lip and the middle of your nostrils. That will be enough for you to inhale safely in order for the product work out. Advising to put it inside the nostril is only safe for adults. However, if you really want to apply it on the child, use very little amount of it.

Once you check these two very important things when using an allergy-blocking gel, you can fully enjoy its benefits even as kids’ allergy relief product. You and your child will surely feel safe even when they go outside to play during springtime. If you want to feel more secure, what you need to check are your surroundings for dust that might be present.

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